
Brand philosophy


Design Concept:


The design concept of KELEN is a thing to always propose the style that firmly reflects the trend in the stage named the establishment of new standard basic stylein 2000's and this JAPAN where the fashion cycle is very early is style / silhouette / design / visual of pants.

Brand Concept:

KELENとは ( 外連 ) = <演劇や古典芸能などにおいて従来のしきたりやルールから外れた新しい手法、独特の路線をとること>という意味を持つ言葉です。パンツを専門に展開して行くブランドとして、伝統的な技術やディティール、シルエットといった物は非常に大切な事です。そういったファッションやトレンドでは古典的だと思われる一つ一つがパンツには不可欠な要素だと考えます。古典的な要素をしっかりと理解しつつさらに新しい物作りを行って行きたい、そんな思いがこのブランドネームに込められています。“伝統を理解、敬いつつも既成概念にとらわれる事なく、さらに新しく独自の物作りを行って行く“これがkelenのブランドコンセプトです。

KELEN is ( 外連 ) = A meaning that a new method that comes off and an original route are taken from a past custom and the rule in the play and the classic entertainment. Each one that seems to be classic in such a fashion and the trend it wants to be very important thing like the tail of a traditional technology and the detail and silhouettes, As the brand that progresses specializing in pants, thinks that the indispensable element, to do a newer thing making to pants firmly understanding a classic element, and to be put such a desire in this brand name. A newer, more original thing making is done without being caught in the stereotype,though the tradition is understood, and respected.

Collection Vision:


Collection vision of KELEN is proposal of material, design, processing, attachment
At the same time as minute change standard release with marketing research,
Regarding, item and silhouette , we will expand the collection for ladies.